Traveler's Notebook Sizes
We frequently receive a lot of questions about our Traveler's Notebook cover sizes. You can see the above image to get an idea of the various sizes of travelers notebook covers we offer. We also have a variety of refill notebooks for your traveler's notebook. Our latest post on the notebook sizes for these fits in perfectly with this post to help you decide which size to buy. Below you will find more in-depth descriptions and the exact dimensions for each size.
A5 Traveler's Notebook
Traveler's Notebook A5:
At half the size of the A4, the A5 size notebooks are very popular as journals, planners or diaries. The size makes them easy to carry while still allowing lots of space.
What fits: Two Leuchtturm1917 notebooks, Two Rhodia Web Notebook A5, Four Rhodia Heritage A5 size, Four Moleskine Cahier large size, Two Nanami Sevenseas Notebook, Two Baron Fig Notebooks, Two Hobonichi Cousin Planner, Leuchtturm1917 Daily monthly planner + Any A5 notebook.
Any insert at size 8.27" x 5.83" or 2 Leuchtturm1917 A5 Classic Notebook or leather journals.
When open: 13.26" x 8.74" (33.7cm x 22.2cm)
When closed: 6.29" x 8.74" (16cm x 22.2cm)
View all the available A5 Traveler's Notebook colors.

A5 size Traveler's Notebook in forest green color

A5 and Composition (XL size) Traveler's Notebook Comparision
Pocket Traveler's Notebook
Traveler's Notebook Pocket: Field Notes Size
The pocket size is mostly known because of the Field Notes brand. It was inspired by the promotional notebooks and pocket-ledgers used by farmers. Classic Field Notes are covered with craft paper. They also offer limited and special editions every 3 months. The size is called pocket because it can be carried in a denim pocket. It is very popular to use as an everyday carry notebook.
What fits: 3-4 Field Notes or Moleskine Pocket notebook insert or any insert at size 5 ½" x 3 ½"
When open: 8.54" x 5.98" (21.7cm x 15.2cm)
When closed: 3.97" x 5.98" (10.1cm x 15.2cm

Pocket size Traveler's Notebook - Compatible with Field Notes

A comparison of Regular, Pocket, Passport size Traveler's Notebooks
Passport Traveler's Notebook
Traveler's Notebook Passport:
What fits: Standard issued passport and Midori passport insert or any insert at size 5" x 3 ½"
When open: 8.46" x 5.39" (21.5cm x 13.7cm)
When closed: 3.93" x 5.39" (10cm x 13.7cm)

Passport Size Traveler's Notebook

All Sizes Together
Large Traveler's Notebook
Traveler's Notebook Large:
It is the same length of the A5 size but is 2cm narrower. Suitable for Moleskine Large size cahier notebooks.
What fits: Four Moleskine Large size cahier notebooks

Large size Traveler's Notebook in forest green color
Regular Traveler's Notebook
Traveler's Notebook Regular:
What fits: 1-5 Midori Standard Regular 4.5" wide notebook insert.
When open: 10.11" x 8.74" (25.7cm x 22.2cm)
When closed: 4.76" x 8.74" (12.1cm x 22.2cm)

Regular size Traveler's Notebook

A comparison of Regular, Pocket, Passport size Traveler's Notebooks
B5 Traveler's Notebook
Traveler's Notebook B5:
Also known as the Extra Large and Composition sizes. This size is in between A4 and A5 and makes for a perfect everyday notebook. They are not too big to carry around but allow you plenty of space if you prefer to finish your notes/tasks all on one page.
What fits: 2 Leuchtturm1917 B5 size notebooks, 2 composition notebooks.
Four Moleskine Extra large Cahier Notebooks or any insert size at 7.5" x 10"
When open: 16.41" x 10.31" (41.7cm x 26.2cm)
When closed: 7.87" x 10.31" (20cm x 26.2cm)

Composition Notebook size Traveler's Notebook

Composition and A5 size Traveler's Notebooks
Which size is your favorite?

Top to bottom; Passport, Pocket, Regular, A5, B5

Top to bottom; Passport, Pocket, Regular, A5, B5

Format |
Size in Millimeters |
Size in Inches |
B7 (Passport) | 10 x 13.7 cm | 3.93 x 5.39 inches |
B5 | 20 x 26.2 cm | 7.87 x10.31 inches |
10.1 x 15.2 cm | 3.97 x 5.98 inches | |
Regular | 12.1 x 22.2 cm | 4.76 x 8.74 inches |
A5 | 16cm x 22.2 cm | 8.27 x 5.83 inches |
B6 | Coming soon | |
A6 | Coming soon |
Also here you can read our article about notebook sizes.