Who Are The People In The Pen World: The Nibmeister

by Galen Leather January 16, 2024 5 Comments


What is a Nibmeister?

A nibmeister, by definition, is someone who can improve or reform a nib. It is an honored tradition and the nibmeisters are like the alchemists of the pen world; they can take a nib that isn’t functioning properly or isn’t to your liking and turn it into gold (not literally, unless it is gold, but you get the picture).

How Hard is it to become a Nibmeister?

This niche position in the pen world requires lots of training and practice. Through mentorships and repetition, each nibmeister acquires their own style of grinding nibs and their work will exhibit a personality that is singular as well. Choosing one is a matter of preference and often requires researching what others say about their work and having them tune or grind a nib or two for you. Some fountain pen collectors like all of their pens to be cared for by one nibmeister, and others enjoy the variety of having many hands perfect their pens.

How Can I Get a Nibmeister to Fix My Pen?

Nibmeisters can be found tuning and grinding at pen shows or in their own studios. Nibmeisters often have websites that will let you know how long their waiting lists are (this can be months or even years, depending) and also the process for sending your pen to them. Often they will have forms to fill out and may ask you to send photos of how you hold your pen when writing to make the most optimal adjustments to your pens nibs.

Nib Grinding

Nibmeisters are often more skilled or specialize in certain kinds of nibs, like italic and architect nibs, for example. Some have their own proprietary grinds that are a combination of more traditional grinds or have created a new nib of their own. If you are lucky enough to attend a pen show, they will often have samples of their nibs to try, so that you can see if it suits you and your handwriting. If this isn’t a possibility, research can be done on pen boards and through the nibmeisters site. There should be a fair amount of writing samples available to you to at least get a sense of the capabilities and style of the nibmeister you are interested in working with.

Some nibmeister are also pen restorers, so if you require that kind of work for a pen, be sure to ask if they can assist. If they cannot, they may know a restorer that they trust and can recommend to you if they don't do this work themselves. 

It is very heartening to see the nibmeister tradition continue, with several young nibmeisters learning from masters so that this important work stays in good hands.

Nibmeister near me

Below is a list of the nibmeisters currently working around the world. If you know of someone who should be added to this list, please leave their information in the comments. We would love to hear about others in this very special profession.

Nibmeisters in USA

Alexander Stroud - Frontier Pen Co

Web: http://instagram.com/fpc_alex
Insta: http://instagram.com/fpc_alex

Audrey Matteson - Franklin-Christoph

Web: https://www.franklin-christoph.com/
Insta: http://www.instagram.com/franklinchristoph

Brian Gray - Edison Pen Company

Web: https://edisonpen.com/
Insta: http://instagram.com/edisonpenco
(Only Services Edison Pens)

Damien Alomar - All in the Nib

Web: https://www.allinthenib.com/
Insta: http://instagram.com/allinthenib

Dan Smith - The NibSmith

Web: https://nibsmith.com/
Insta: http://instagram.com/thenibsmith

Gena Salorino - Custom Nib Studios

Web: https://www.customnibstudio.com/
Insta: http://instagram.com/customnibstudio

Greg Minuskin - Greg Minuskin

Web: https://gregminuskinpens.com/
Insta: https://gregminuskinpens.com/
(nib retipping)

JC Ament - Nib Tailor

Web: https://www.www.nibtailor.com/
Insta: http://instagram.com/thenibtailor

Joshua J Lax - J.J. Lax Pen Co

Web: https://www.jjlaxpenco.com/
Insta: http://instagram.com/jjlaxpenco

John Mottishaw - Nibs.com

Web: https://www.nibs.com/
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/therealnibsdotcom/
(retired and is no longer doing nib grinds)

Kirk Speer - Pen Realm

Web: https://www.penrealm.com/
Insta: https://www.penrealm.com/

Les Sheely - Stylosuite

Web: http://instagram.com/stylosuite
Insta: http://instagram.com/stylosuite

Letta - Pendemonium

Web: http://www.pendemonium.com/
Insta: http://www.pendemonium.com/

Linda Kennedy - Indy-Pen-Dance

Web: https://www.indy-pen-dance.com/
Insta: https://www.indy-pen-dance.com/

Mark Bacas - Nib Grinder

Web: http://nibgrinder.com/
Insta: http://instagram.com/nibgrinder

Matthew Chen


Web: https://mattsnibworks.com
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/pactagon

Mike Masuyama - Mike it Work

Web: http://mikeitwork.com/
Insta: http://mikeitwork.com/

Pendleton Brown - Pendleton's Pens

Web: https://www.pendletonspens.com/
Insta: https://www.pendletonspens.com/

Ralph Reyes - Regalia Writing Labs

Web: https://www.regaliawritinglabs.com/
Insta: http://instagram.com/reachingralph

Nibmeisters in EU

Anabelle Hiller - Opus Cineris

Web: http://www.opuscineris.com/
Insta: http://instagram.com/stringsandpedals

Mislav Lukacevic - Nibworx

Web: https://www.ml-nibworx.com
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/mlnibworx

Lennard van Zwam - Dutchpen

Web: http://www.dutchpen.com/

Lutz Fiebig - Interpens

Web: www.interpens.de
Insta: www.interpens.de

Pablo Carrasco - FP Nibs

Web: https://fpnibs.com/
Insta: http://instagram.com/pablo_carrasco_gimena

Nibmeisters in UK

John Sorowka - Oxonian

Web: j.f.sorowka@googlemail.com
Insta: j.f.sorowka@googlemail.com

Jose Munuera - Nib.Lab

Web: https://www.instagram.com/nib.lab/
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/nib.lab/

Nibmeisters in Turkiye

Ahmet Çarpık - Nibworks

Web: https://www.instagram.com/nibworks
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/nibworks

Meltem Hazarhun - Amphora's Tale

Web: https://www.instagram.com/amphorastale
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/amphorastale

Nibmeisters in Philippines

J.P. Pentangeli - JP's Pen Spa & Nib Works

Web: http://instagram.com/jppenspanibworks
Insta: http://instagram.com/jppenspanibworks

John Lim - Nib Sage

Web: http://instagram.com/penproclivities
Insta: http://instagram.com/penproclivities

Nibmeisters in Australia

Jack Landau - The Pen Smith

Web: http://www.pensmith.com.au/
Insta: http://www.pensmith.com.au/

Taveet Sinanian - Taveet Sinanian

Web: http://instagram.com/nunc_est_scribendi
Insta: http://instagram.com/nunc_est_scribendi

Nibmeisters in Japan

CY - Kyuseido

Web: http://kyuseidotokyo.com
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tokyostationpens/

Yukio Nagahara - The Nib Shaper

Web: http://thenibshaper.com/
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/thenibshaper/

Nibmeisters in Singapore

Sunny Koh - Straits Pens

Web: http://web.straitspen.com/
Insta: http://web.straitspen.com/

Nibmeisters in India

Jaspreet Singh Gill - The Nib Studio

Web: http://instagram.com/thenibstudio
Insta: http://instagram.com/thenibstudio

Nibmeisters in Canada

Salman Khattak - Toronto Pen Company

Web: https://torontopencompany.com/
Insta: http://instagram.com/torontopencompany

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Galen Leather
Galen Leather


5 Responses


March 03, 2025

Lennard van Zwam (Dutchpen) in the Netherlands is also a nibmeister. The website is www.Dutchpen.com


January 08, 2024

CY of Kyuseido / Tokyo Station Pens is a Nib technician working out of Japan, lots of info on the grinds he offers on the website under ‘Nibwork.’

Website is: http://kyuseidotokyo.com

Instagram: @tokyostationpens / @kyuseido

Aissatou E Sunjata
Aissatou E Sunjata

July 12, 2021

Wow! This resource for those needing it.
Deb Kinney in Raleigh, NC


July 12, 2021

Another nibmeister well worth mentioning is Mislav Lukacevic in Vienna, Austria (https://www.ml-nibworx.com/) He does a very good job.

sandeep awasthi
sandeep awasthi

July 12, 2021

We are doing this work in India with a super speciality job of re tipping on old vintage nibs in EF, F, M , B or BB point our website is www.kanpurwriters.com

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